Bro the fact that they became “8” is like when I get the right answer in a math problem but I solved it using the wrong method so I end up getting a 0 :'(
yes i believe even if this is heartbreaking it was to help them, obviously this is a company and a company sees benefits and profits first and if some members at the time didn’t have the ability to go accord jype expectations, the company and jyp needed to make arsh decisions, what he did made them stronger and in the end they all came together. I noticed JYP has so much wisdom.
Last edited 2 years ago by Deb
3 years ago
I know right I hate seeing them cry especially seungmin
3 years ago
Stray kids forever
Last edited 3 years ago by AlexisSTAY
3 years ago
I don’t know why but I think when woojin left this was their reaction 😭😭😭
me too, they definitely feel comfortable with him and looked up to him a lot like they do with chan as their leader and even minho. theyve said it so many times in these first few episodes and even then woojin looks up to his other members too
3 years ago
seeing seungmin breakdown like that broke me inside
christiano bangnaldo
3 years ago
I’ve stanned a lot of groups but no group has made me cry over and over again like stray kids. their chemistry with each other is really something <3
i’m not at all on JYP’s side… but it’s cause he didn’t like his singing, the fact that he messed up the rap too showed JYP that he wasn’t worthy in both components of singing and rapping. EEK THAT WAS HARD TO WRITE, I LOVE MINHO TO DEATH
Seeing how Minho was timid and lacked confidence in this episode shows me how far he has come. It was necessary or LeeKnow and Felix to be eliminated So that Jay Why Pee could see that He is the one that made the mistake. This has made LeeKnow the savage that we know today.😏 *Screams ice cream* Mr. Minho is bias wrecking me. 🙃 Anyways stray kids world domination!!!! YOU MAKE STRAY KIDS STAY
it’s even weirder. JYP starts by picking out the lead dancer (who also had the least time as a trainee) and reprimanding his singing, in a group that is – let’s be real – still pretty weak in vocals overall at this point. like, same or similar-level complaints could’ve been made towards anyone except for 3racha: across the board there’s wavering pitch, awkward transitions to head voice, weak falsetto, barely intelligible delivery etc etc. even Han’s control is not the best, he has to push a lot of high notes too hard to reach them, so they come out either… Read more »
i mean… within the group – maybe, in general – i disagree. Woojin pushes quite a bit and gets pitchy as a result, Seungmin’s breath support isn’t the strongest and the words get mumbled in places (although i would say, in my very personal and very unprofessional opinion, he sounds the best). i don’t think the songs they’re doing suit Woojin’s technique all that well, so that might be part of the issue: even in the more lyrical parts there’s not a lot of space for the sound to sort of open up? if that makes sense?
3 years ago
I feel like Changbin will kill JYP in any second those stares he gave him at the beginning
daaaaaamn im really trying not to cry here with no JYPs help
3 years ago
watching this is making me emotional.. the fact that this group is now a million seller… i’m so proud!!!
3 years ago
The editing tho it’s a masterpiece
felix's freckles
3 years ago
kinda rubs me the wrong way that the producers made them watch the video on camera. It’s like, “here watch your good friend’s departure that we forced on you!! lol!! happy vacation day!!”
yeah and also at the beggining its like oh a member left and theyre all crying and really upset LETS ZOOM IN ON THEIR FACES AND GET IN THEIR PERSONEL SPACE, like i get its a tv show and they want to show the emotions and journey of skz but it makes me uncomfortable
3 years ago
im crying here and then watching minho reels to numb the pain, he has come so far :’)
Felix no.1 bae
3 years ago
Why am I sad 🚶🏾♀️
no name
3 years ago
I know they will debut and as 9 but I still cried that is soooo sad to see the kids cry and I kid got eliminated
3 years ago
I cried my eyeballs out. It’s been a long time since I felt this way. It’s truly heartbreaking…
3 years ago
I hear someone crying, I can swear it’s not me
2 years ago
not gonna lie the way lee know and i.n smiled and cried at the same time really hit home and did not help with the tears ahhhh. if you need me I will be in my closet crying as well bye bye
I mean, it sorta was like that tho, they thought he was gone from the group forever
2 years ago
JYP:The biggest hypocrite in the Kpop industry…
2 years ago
But Don’t Stop by 5SOS got me all hyped up for a minute there
2 years ago
this was so sad
2 years ago
not me cheating by skipping through the one episode minho got eliminated 🙂
2 years ago
I can’t believe they filmed their reaction to their friend and comrade being eliminated and then again making them watch his goodbye video, it’s disgusting. JYP is a “funny” one talking about integrity after making a false elimination that got taken as real.
2 years ago
There’s a lot of the obvious to talk about here, but I wanted to point out the really sweet little moment at 42:21 of Hyunjin asking Woojin if he can sit on his lap and Woojin without hesitation answering quietly, “Come here.”
2 years ago
You can see how CB was literally blaming himself for LK and FL feeling as if it was because he couldn’t help them enough… I feel so bad for them😭
2 years ago
When I tell you TEARS came out of my eyeballs I mean I filled a whole handkerchief
2 years ago
the fact that it has taken my 2 years of being a stay to come sit down and watch the survival show just to be ready for this episode says a lot. i still wasn’t ready and i balled my eyes out the whole time
2 years ago
I obviously know what happens but I still cried it’s so heartbreaking to see
2 years ago
Gosh, I thought Felix’s performance was good, I didn’t even notice him being unconfident like JYP said
2 years ago
wow its spectacular how i cry so much for this show TT
Cola Drinker
2 years ago
They’re really marketing the Coke drink LOL
Kitty Lino
2 years ago
Watching this for the first time and my heart absolutely broke at Minho’s elimination. God, these kids have gone through so much, and then Felix will be eliminated as well?! I’ve already cried so much ;-; it doesn’t help that minlix is my bias line
2 years ago
why am I crying while I know that he debuted in the end T-T
Zeezee A
1 year ago
Looking back, I wonder if JYP really thought it was a good idea to eliminate LeeKnow or just wanted to create drama. If it’s the latter then he’s truly evil. Why would he break these boys, don’t play with their emotions. If it’s the former then I take back my words. He did give good advice in this episode, and I can see where he’s coming from. Thank god LeeKnow comes back in later episodes.
It was a false elimination. What’s goofy about it is that of course he was gonna debut them as 9 member group. He literally had them release a WHOLE music video with all of them together before debut, it would be dumb to mess that up right before, especially after people grew an interest in them after listening to Hellevator. Plus, you could tell it was a fluke because if he was totally kicked from the group. they wouldn’t have mentioned him so much later and in other episodes like they did. It was a marketing gimmick which is fucked… Read more »
1 year ago
i think that it could be worse. jyp controlled the situation wisely, gave minho the reasons he was doing that and walked into him in a very humble way, asking for him to dont’ give up of this chance and to keep as trainee, it was a harsh decision to him, we could see because he really love the chemistry of the 9 members togheter and this mission was made so he could see the individuality of each member, and in comparrision to the other member performances it was a fair decision, (i think the minho team was a strange… Read more »
its the fact that he eliminated him for drama that gets me 😬
1 year ago
bro don’t make me cry in class
1 year ago
YG’s comment That ” I hope this song’s title doesn’t become reality” god I loath this thing about judges…why this BS??? and my poor babies were tormented throughout the show by the fear of bein eliminated….so much pressure on them ..for drama???
1 year ago
Nothing hurt more than when Lee Know said the reason he got eliminated is because he didnot try enough…that if only he had slept an hour less…i felt that on a personal level and it broke my heart into a million pieces cuz i know what goes on in one’s mind when they feel that way </3
1 year ago
Even though I know where they are today and how they’ve gotten there, this episode is still the hardest skz content to watch.
1 year ago
me crying at 4am because Minho gets eliminated knowing fully well he’s about to eat up the 5 star comeback like miss girl get a grip
This Memory is still on my Head this is the 1st Heartbreaking Elimination that they Got
Yes I think of it too it’s just too heart breaking because well they work together so well
Until now, I’m still crying when I watch it again
same i get so angry at JYP for eliminating minho . i was literally crying 🙁
Yes same here, but JYP eliminated Minho not because of his singing,dance, rap is bad it’s just his training period is short.
kinda but its still sad no matter what the reason is im js happy they joined back
rewatching it really makes mr feel angry because of the elimination
We need to normalize blaming Jay Why Pee for all of our problems
no thats not a good thing at all. thats super bad and immature.
what ??? lmao
Bro the fact that they became “8” is like when I get the right answer in a math problem but I solved it using the wrong method so I end up getting a 0 :'(
BRUH I don’t know whether to laugh or cry to this, this is so true
ngl, i dislike jyp so much but he had good words and his wisdom here is something. i started reflecting on my life a little LOL
Why do we Ig dislike jyp the criticism he gave was for THE MEMBERS not for him to just be rude.
yes i believe even if this is heartbreaking it was to help them, obviously this is a company and a company sees benefits and profits first and if some members at the time didn’t have the ability to go accord jype expectations, the company and jyp needed to make arsh decisions, what he did made them stronger and in the end they all came together. I noticed JYP has so much wisdom.
I know right I hate seeing them cry especially seungmin
Stray kids forever
I don’t know why but I think when woojin left this was their reaction 😭😭😭
me too, they definitely feel comfortable with him and looked up to him a lot like they do with chan as their leader and even minho. theyve said it so many times in these first few episodes and even then woojin looks up to his other members too
seeing seungmin breakdown like that broke me inside
I’ve stanned a lot of groups but no group has made me cry over and over again like stray kids. their chemistry with each other is really something <3
ong i stan around 4 groups and the only groups that have been able to make me cry at the same vid no matter how times i watch it is skz and bts
jyp legit asked a SINGER to rap and then eliminated him because he made a mistake while rapping.
i’m not at all on JYP’s side… but it’s cause he didn’t like his singing, the fact that he messed up the rap too showed JYP that he wasn’t worthy in both components of singing and rapping. EEK THAT WAS HARD TO WRITE, I LOVE MINHO TO DEATH
Seeing how Minho was timid and lacked confidence in this episode shows me how far he has come. It was necessary or LeeKnow and Felix to be eliminated So that Jay Why Pee could see that He is the one that made the mistake. This has made LeeKnow the savage that we know today.😏 *Screams ice cream* Mr. Minho is bias wrecking me. 🙃 Anyways stray kids world domination!!!! YOU MAKE STRAY KIDS STAY
it’s even weirder. JYP starts by picking out the lead dancer (who also had the least time as a trainee) and reprimanding his singing, in a group that is – let’s be real – still pretty weak in vocals overall at this point. like, same or similar-level complaints could’ve been made towards anyone except for 3racha: across the board there’s wavering pitch, awkward transitions to head voice, weak falsetto, barely intelligible delivery etc etc. even Han’s control is not the best, he has to push a lot of high notes too hard to reach them, so they come out either… Read more »
I agree but Woojin’s and Seugmin’s vocals were already really strong, I even was surprised by Felix!
i mean… within the group – maybe, in general – i disagree. Woojin pushes quite a bit and gets pitchy as a result, Seungmin’s breath support isn’t the strongest and the words get mumbled in places (although i would say, in my very personal and very unprofessional opinion, he sounds the best). i don’t think the songs they’re doing suit Woojin’s technique all that well, so that might be part of the issue: even in the more lyrical parts there’s not a lot of space for the sound to sort of open up? if that makes sense?
I feel like Changbin will kill JYP in any second those stares he gave him at the beginning
Yeah I noticed that too and JYP talked about integrity right after… When he lied to make drama for the show.
daaaaaamn im really trying not to cry here with no JYPs help
watching this is making me emotional.. the fact that this group is now a million seller… i’m so proud!!!
The editing tho it’s a masterpiece
kinda rubs me the wrong way that the producers made them watch the video on camera. It’s like, “here watch your good friend’s departure that we forced on you!! lol!! happy vacation day!!”
yeah and also at the beggining its like oh a member left and theyre all crying and really upset LETS ZOOM IN ON THEIR FACES AND GET IN THEIR PERSONEL SPACE, like i get its a tv show and they want to show the emotions and journey of skz but it makes me uncomfortable
Yeah i felt so appaled by this!
me watching this and crying because of the elimination knowing damn well they ended up debuting all together anyways 🤡
LMAOO, im still sobbing while i read this. now im angry cuz u make me laugh😡😭
im crying here and then watching minho reels to numb the pain, he has come so far :’)
Why am I sad 🚶🏾♀️
I know they will debut and as 9 but I still cried that is soooo sad to see the kids cry and I kid got eliminated
I cried my eyeballs out. It’s been a long time since I felt this way. It’s truly heartbreaking…
I hear someone crying, I can swear it’s not me
not gonna lie the way lee know and i.n smiled and cried at the same time really hit home and did not help with the tears ahhhh. if you need me I will be in my closet crying as well bye bye
Why do they make him seem like he just died?
I mean, it sorta was like that tho, they thought he was gone from the group forever
JYP:The biggest hypocrite in the Kpop industry…
But Don’t Stop by 5SOS got me all hyped up for a minute there
this was so sad
not me cheating by skipping through the one episode minho got eliminated 🙂
I can’t believe they filmed their reaction to their friend and comrade being eliminated and then again making them watch his goodbye video, it’s disgusting. JYP is a “funny” one talking about integrity after making a false elimination that got taken as real.
There’s a lot of the obvious to talk about here, but I wanted to point out the really sweet little moment at 42:21 of Hyunjin asking Woojin if he can sit on his lap and Woojin without hesitation answering quietly, “Come here.”
You can see how CB was literally blaming himself for LK and FL feeling as if it was because he couldn’t help them enough… I feel so bad for them😭
When I tell you TEARS came out of my eyeballs I mean I filled a whole handkerchief
the fact that it has taken my 2 years of being a stay to come sit down and watch the survival show just to be ready for this episode says a lot. i still wasn’t ready and i balled my eyes out the whole time
I obviously know what happens but I still cried it’s so heartbreaking to see
Gosh, I thought Felix’s performance was good, I didn’t even notice him being unconfident like JYP said
wow its spectacular how i cry so much for this show TT
They’re really marketing the Coke drink LOL
Watching this for the first time and my heart absolutely broke at Minho’s elimination. God, these kids have gone through so much, and then Felix will be eliminated as well?! I’ve already cried so much ;-; it doesn’t help that minlix is my bias line
why am I crying while I know that he debuted in the end T-T
Looking back, I wonder if JYP really thought it was a good idea to eliminate LeeKnow or just wanted to create drama. If it’s the latter then he’s truly evil. Why would he break these boys, don’t play with their emotions. If it’s the former then I take back my words. He did give good advice in this episode, and I can see where he’s coming from. Thank god LeeKnow comes back in later episodes.
It was a false elimination. What’s goofy about it is that of course he was gonna debut them as 9 member group. He literally had them release a WHOLE music video with all of them together before debut, it would be dumb to mess that up right before, especially after people grew an interest in them after listening to Hellevator. Plus, you could tell it was a fluke because if he was totally kicked from the group. they wouldn’t have mentioned him so much later and in other episodes like they did. It was a marketing gimmick which is fucked… Read more »
i think that it could be worse. jyp controlled the situation wisely, gave minho the reasons he was doing that and walked into him in a very humble way, asking for him to dont’ give up of this chance and to keep as trainee, it was a harsh decision to him, we could see because he really love the chemistry of the 9 members togheter and this mission was made so he could see the individuality of each member, and in comparrision to the other member performances it was a fair decision, (i think the minho team was a strange… Read more »
its the fact that he eliminated him for drama that gets me 😬
bro don’t make me cry in class
YG’s comment That ” I hope this song’s title doesn’t become reality” god I loath this thing about judges…why this BS??? and my poor babies were tormented throughout the show by the fear of bein eliminated….so much pressure on them ..for drama???
Nothing hurt more than when Lee Know said the reason he got eliminated is because he didnot try enough…that if only he had slept an hour less…i felt that on a personal level and it broke my heart into a million pieces cuz i know what goes on in one’s mind when they feel that way </3
Even though I know where they are today and how they’ve gotten there, this episode is still the hardest skz content to watch.
me crying at 4am because Minho gets eliminated knowing fully well he’s about to eat up the 5 star comeback like miss girl get a grip
i always cry so hard on this episode…