230601 Felix, Seungmin & I.N Trying American Snacks For The First Time (SKZ)
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1 year ago
Awww, precious beans. it’s a good thing they didn’t swallow the wax. also maybe they should look up the ingredients of stuff they decide to eat? just a thought.
10 months ago
me just being an American and being shocked they have never tried nerds, sour patch, or m&m’s
9 months ago
Loved the spicey, poor things weren’t ready for that
Stray Kids Survival Show Episode 10 has been fixed - we also have a new download link for your convenience!
Awww, precious beans. it’s a good thing they didn’t swallow the wax. also maybe they should look up the ingredients of stuff they decide to eat? just a thought.
me just being an American and being shocked they have never tried nerds, sour patch, or m&m’s
Loved the spicey, poor things weren’t ready for that